Books, Films, inf10381, TV Shows

Top 5 Wednesday: Ideal Mash-Ups

Top 5 Wednesday is a weekly book meme hosted by Sam from Thoughts on Tomes. This week’s topic is Ideal Mash-Ups. This refers to existing pieces of entertainment that are paired up to explain the concept of another product. An example of that would be “Star Wars meets The Hunger Games.”

Photo: Moonlight Woman Rain by cocoparisienne | CC0 Creative Commons Licensed
  1. Anastasia + Furyborn = A story of an orphan with no memories who discovers she has powers that could save the world or end it.
  2. Glee + The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo = A story that explores the path and hardships of becoming the most famous singer of a generation.
  3. The Diviners + Sense8 = A group of people with supernatural abilities are linked to each other and have to solve a murder mystery before it’s too late.
  4. Lie to Me Six of Crows = A group of morally gray people use psychology to solve murders while also causing chaos around the city.
  5. Stranger Things + The Shadowhunters Chronicles = People with supernatural abilities are sucked into a different dimension and have to fight demons in order to survive and return home.

That’s it for my ideal mash-ups! These are probably not the main things I’d like to see in a book, movie or TV show; I completely forgot everything I might like while coming up with this list. But the things I could come up with would be really fun to read/watch. What is your ideal mash-up?

Books, inf10381

Top Ten Tuesday: Characters I Liked that were in Non-Favorite/Disliked Books

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature created by The Broke and the Bookish. Each week, bloggers compile a list compiling ten items that fit a certain topic. This week’s topic is characters I like that were in non-favorite/disliked books.

Photo: IMG_1488.jpg by Roman | CC Licensed
    1. Eris Dodd-Radson (The Thousandth Floor by Katharine McGee) – Eris was the only reason I didn’t hate The Thousandth Floor. I found her to be the most likable character and I was rooting for her the whole time. However, I did have a lot of problems with the book itself. I rated it three stars on Goodreads, but only because I enjoyed reading about Eris. Realistically, the book deserves less stars.
    2. Maven Calore (Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard) – Similar to Eris, Maven was the only character I liked from the book he was in. He seemed to be a complex but enjoyable character, and he was the reason I almost continued the series. I eventually decided not to keep reading the series because I suspected it would make me stop caring about Maven.
    3. Hastra (A Gathering of Shadows by V.E. Schwab) – Hastra is a very small character in the Shades of Magic series, but I liked him because he was the only character who was 100% good in a world that corrupted people. He made reading a not-so-great book more bearable.
    4. Samirah al-Abbas (The Sword of Summer by Rick Riordan) – Unlike the rest of the characters mentioned above, I don’t care about Sam that much, but she was the smartest character in The Sword of Summer, and I liked her for it.
    5. Bitterblue (Graceling by Kristin Cashore) – Bitterblue was a child and daughter of an evil king. She was so smart for someone her age and the most adorable character in GracelingGraceling itself was not a bad book; I thought it was just okay.

6. Adam Parrish (The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater) – This is kind of cheating because I loved The Raven Cycle when I first read it, and I haven’t read it again. However, I didn’t like the last book in the series and know I wouldn’t like the series if I ever read it again. I still think Adam Parrish is a fantastic character, though. He’s one of my favorites.
7. Raffe* (Angelfall by Susan Ee) – I used to love Raffe when I first read Angelfall. I don’t know why. He doesn’t actually fit in this list anymore.
8. Adrian Ivashkov* (Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead) – The same thing can be said about Adrian from Vampire Academy. I liked him because I thought he was funny. After reading Bloodlines, in which he is a main character, I don’t like him anymore.
9. Sebastian (The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare) – I like some of the books from The Mortal Instruments (particularly City of Heavenly Fire) but not as much as I liked Sebastian. He was my favorite villain of all time for years; now he’s my second favorite.
10. Uriah Pedrad* (Divergent by Veronica Roth) – This is a little less accurate because I liked Uriah based on content that I found outside of the series. In the series, he was an average character. He is another character I don’t care about anymore.

This list was a lot harder to make than I expected. I had to include some characters that I used to like but don’t like anymore (marked with an asterisk). However, it was really fun to think about characters that I constantly forget because I didn’t like the book.

Who is a character you like from a book (or movie or TV show) that you don’t like?